The Royal KAREN Has Come Out To Play.
It’s silly season for Karens the world over. For some reason, they are everywhere. Not a day passes without some account of an entitled white woman exhibiting peak privilege, by making their own choices and then playing victim and acting a complete fool, when it doesn’t go to plan. When in full Karen mode, they are an outright danger to whoever is in their path.
They will cough or spit in your face with the hopes that you catch a virus that they may knowingly or unknowingly be carrying because, they say it’s their right to not wear a mask and you questioned it. They will call the police and put on a dramatic act to feign danger or a threat because, they expect that when the police show up, your life can literally be taken from you. They will make a huge song and dance about why your success is not worthy or deserved because, their own lives suck and they wish they were in your position.
As if we didn’t already have enough to deal with, a royal Karen said hold my coatdress. She called her royal media police, to do a number on a lady who is minding her own business, probably enjoying some avocado toast by the pool on a sunny California day. She did that because, she expects the “police” to take her side. I for one am tired of this constant scapegoating and am having no parts of this latest royal propaganda lynch mob.
Karen is KEEN to be ‘KWEEEN’
She wants the moon. Once upon a time, a young lady grew up in an upper- middle class family. She was fortunate to be enrolled in private school, where it is reported that, in her teen years she had a poster of a certain young prince on her wall. Harmless teenage fantasy right? What young lady doesn’t have a poster of a guy she admired? After her A-levels, this lady reportedly got admission into her dream university(Edinburgh). Around that time, it was announced that the prince she likely admired was to attend St. Andrews University, after he has taken a gap year . For reasons that still remain unclear, the young lady made an about turn, and rejected her already confirmed place at her dream university. She decided to take a gap year and apply to St. Andrews University.
It was described as a gamble, as St. Andrews had become very competitive once it was known that the young prince would be attending there. Also, the young lady wanted to be an art history major and Edinburgh’s art history program was said to be among the best in Britain.
Whether by a stroke of luck or fate, the young lady got into St. Andrews University, where she went on to become friends with said prince. They subsequently embarked on an almost decade long courtship, including a short period of separation. She was bestowed a nickname on account of the perception that, she had waited for a long while and had yet to be rewarded with the much coveted royal engagement. Wasn’t that cold, considering that after Uni, she literally put her career on hold to be available to the prince at a moment’s notice? But all is well that ends well. The waiting paid off. She and the prince became affianced and subsequently married. This put her squarely in the path to be future queen consort.
Riding on their wave of pre and post nuptial publicity, the lady and the prince settled into a quiet life in the countryside. The now duchess did not assume full time royal duties because, her prince was holding a ‘regular’ job and not a full-time working royal himself. Their stint in the countryside was dotted with a handful of royal engagements here and a few tours there. She even got a new nickname, Duchess Doolittle. She and her prince were described as ‘work-shy’ and were under pressure to step up to the plate.
This was all BEFORE her brother-in-law, Prince Harry met and fell in love with his then girlfriend Meghan Markle. Karen was enjoying her cushy life, with all eyes on her. Then in rolls this strong, gorgeous, and accomplished woman on her brother-in-law’s arm. Their engagement and ensuing marriage captivates the attention of the world. Together, they are dynamite. The world and its media can’t get enough of them.
Karen is ANGRY
She wants the moon, with no stars in the sky. The newest Duchess was magnetic. She seemed to just naturally ease into her duties. She exuded warmth and had an easy and natural way with people , that endeared her to them. She took on her first foreign visit to Ireland like a duck to water. Wait, who is this girl and where is her learning curve? It’s four months after she became a working royal and she already has a project ready to launch? Oh no, no, no! Karen is on a mission to save Britain’s kids at a yet to be decided date but, can we just tell everyone now? I’m working too you know.
It’s now the autumn of 2018 and the world is watching a dynamic royal couple take Oceania by storm on a packed two and a half week tour. Thick crowds, meaningful engagements, funny, heartfelt and memorable moments, captivating speeches, showstopping fashion. It’s all a bit much for Karen, and this time Kevin, and they have taken notice. Something must be done. “Kenablers” in the Kingdom concur. Before the couple could wrap their tour, the palace all of a sudden developed a curious plumbing issue. Drip, drip, drip… “ Meghan made Kate Cry”, “Meghan was rude to Kate’s staff”, “Meghan was rude to Windsor castle staff”, “ Meghan wanted air fresheners in the church”, “ Meghan is demanding”. Thus begun an orchestrated campaign to dim the stars. It came thick and fast.
Karen’s mother even tried to throw some shade at Meghan in an interview saying, “royalty is not just about giving speeches”. Curiously though, Karen all of a sudden was delivering speeches at every turn. That is, provided she could flip the notecards quickly enough, to get to the next line. She even “designed” a garden and became a pro at climbing into tree houses and oscillating on rope swings. Every outfit change and accompanying smile became an engagement. There was even a groundbreaking log design. Whew! I tell you it’s the stuff of CEOs. Top notch executive stuff. Catapulting the British monarchy into modernity, one log at a time.
The palace even prevented CAMFED from using pictures they took with Prince Harry the previous year. Why? It would be a tragedy if the future queen’s garden is overshadowed by Meghan. Note that, Harry and Meghan had no involvement with the CAMFED garden, and Meghan does not appear in the images in question. But that was the PR line. Meghan, who was home nursing her baby and editing British Vogue, was somehow threatening to overshadow Kate’s garden.
Through all of this, Kate’s pregnant and now post-partum sister-in-law was being raked over the coals. Mostly for things she supposedly did to Kate, or for being the source of a feud, for doing everything wrong that Kate did right and for supposedly causing war and drought among other things. Kate, despite being a self-proclaimed champion of new mothers bit her tongue and never once offered a word of support to her sister-in-law. The Kingdom was silent too.
As the year drew to a close and the Sussexes took a break from the royal Christmas to spend time in Canada, it was time for the K-team to reclaim the spotlight. At least that’s what the propaganda machine told us. It turns out that the spotlight is not just bright and shiny, it reveals things and “pigeons” like to keep things under wraps.
As it turned out, The Sussexes had decided that their family’s well-being was paramount and said, here is where we draw the line. We are out. What? What do you mean? Are we going to have to do more work? I don’t know Karen, you have the stage. For the time being, the ‘Kenablers’ told us that Karen was relieved now that Meghan had left. She now feels more relaxed that she doesn’t have to be compared to Meghan. Sure.
She bit more than she can chew. It has been exactly 2 months since the Sussexes left the UK. In that time, a pandemic has put the world on lockdown and forced people to adapt to telework. Kate has not had to leave her palace or country home to make an appearance anywhere. She has had the monumental task of dressing up and showing up to zoom calls and clapping for carers. And like every working parent, there’s been homeschooling. But apparently, this has proved too burdensome and so Karen is exhausted! She feels exhausted and trapped” by “the enormous workload” after Meghan and Harry left. She’s working as hard as a CEO and doesn’t want this.
Wasn’t it a month ago that Karen was saying how relieved and relaxed she was? In order to understand the sudden about face, I have 5 BIG Questions for Karen. Regarding the spotlight, could she “taste the smell by smelling it”? How exactly was she planning to keep the spotlight? Did she fatigue from writing with her left hand while being right-handed and talking on the phone? Did changing her hairdo for zoom bingo prove too taxing? Or did she just realize that she played herself?
Jokes aside, what exactly is the extra workload that Harry and Meghan’s departure has burdened her with? There are no official royal engagements for the foreseeable future and it’s not as if she has had to carry on the work of Harry and Meghan’s patronages. With her live-in nannies and other royal staff at her disposal, one wonders what exactly is exhausting the duchess.
Opinion: Are Prince William and his wife behind the relentless and coordinated media attacks against Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex?
I’ll hazard a guess. Could it be that, Karen preferred her royal life before “The age of Kate” and “Catherine the Kingmaker”? She enjoyed the perks of royal life but didn’t do much. She got this idea into her head that Meghan stole her shine and roped herself into this one-sided contest with an “opponent” who has now left the ring. She’s had to bake on TV, garden, explore textiles and a whole lot, to make her point. She’s created a new expectation of “work”, which she no longer wishes to meet. That would make a person feel trapped. Unfortunately, there is no time for pity parties because broken Britain is waiting to be saved and there is some big data from a groundbreaking project that is yet to be analyzed.
The kicker in this latest “woe is me ” act is that, apparently Kate and William planned to be hands on parents but Harry and Meghan by leaving an “enormous workload” have “ effectively thrown the Cambridge kids under the bus”. REALLY. This is wild even for Karen. She called the “police” and has to cry big tears to match. What a joke! You can’t be a hands on parent, or do school runs because Harry and Meghan are living their lives?
Last year William was quoted as saying he struggled to find time to spend with his children. They didn’t have the “ enormous workload” then so it seems they may be barking up the wrong tree here. Not that I sympathize. They have a household staff at their disposal. And it’s not as if royal engagements take all day. Last year Kate did 126 engagements which works out to about one every third day. That includes evening/ fancy dress functions, the Wimbledon games and all that gardening. That was far less than the older and more senior royals. Look it up on the court circular .
Karen’s friends say that “ she keeps her head down because the prize of being future queen is so great”. Well good for her. Now would be the time to summon that royal stiff upper lip and keep ploughing on. Get on with it. In any case, wasn’t Sophie Wessex, her right hand mean girl supposed to be stepping into Meghan’s shoes? Why is Kate complaining so much then? Or did the Ford run out of gas?
There is nothing enormous to do. Karen is just out to scapegoat her usual target. Even if there was more work to do, I would think that Kate should take it on. After all isn’t she the future “kween” who has “modeled herself after The Queen” who historically has had a heavy schedule of events? You see, Karen had it made. She was called lazy, and boring and stiff. And then Meghan showed up and suddenly Karen became the best thing since raised bread. Her privilege kept her afloat but that wasn’t enough. She wanted more. Why? Well…
Karen feels ENTITLED.
She thinks the stars must dance to her beat. The kind of entitlement that makes a person think that they have a right to dictate the terms of another woman’s wedding. And that woman should abide those stipulations because, Karen said so. When the woman doesn’t entertain her ‘requests’ she kicks up dirt. “Meghan made Kate cry”. “ I’m going to tell them there’s an African-American man threatening my life”. That is the stuff of CEOs; Chief Entitlement Officers.
It turns out that, all the media and online castigation of Meghan because she supposedly made the delicate future queen cry was over some tights. Some freaking tights! What woman cries because someone else didn’t want her bridesmaids to wear tights? Is she for real? This story essentially set the tone for how Meghan was portrayed by the henchmen. How dare she come in and upset the English rose? It put a dangerous target on Meghan’s back. The degree of callousness is stunning. It is shocking because Karen has always portrayed and maintained a certain public persona that may be at odds with who she really is. Her royal act is designed to throw you off her scent. That is my impression, at least. It seems others may have more insight as shown in the screenshots below. “Underestimate her at your own peril”-Anna Pasternak, Tatler, May 26 2020.
Apparently, Kate was following protocol by insisting that Meghan’s bridesmaids wear tights. Zara Tindall’s bridesmaids didn’t wear tights either. I would think that if there was a royal bridesmaid protocol, Zara being a blood royal would know. Even though Karen is described as having “impeccable protocol”, it seems she has missed the basic one where you mind your own business.
Karen is NOT Happening despite being NEFARIOUS
She has tried everything to dim the starlight, but the stars are shining brightly.
It is no wonder that Karen is now exhausted. Behind the scenes, she’s had to contend with a load of permutations and combinations to figure out the perfect kind of mud to sling for each season. That’s not counting the time it takes to curate looks for special occasions , in a manner that will inject her into her brother-in-law’s narrative. I’m talking about her dressing her son like a young Prince Harry for 2019 trooping the color which was Meghan’s first time back on the public scene, since giving birth to Archie. Also Kate choosing the earrings Princess Diana wore at Prince Harry’s christening , to wear to Archie’s christening was just the worst form of posturing.
In spite of all the underhanded machinating, Karen is not happening. Her audience has not expanded beyond the characteristic sycophantic bubble. The global profile she and Kevin are desperately trying to grab on to, remains elusive. All the “unprecedented”, “groundbreaking”, “dazzling” and “stunning” Catherine the Great magic potion is failing to deliver well…magic. The machine is loud but has no teeth. The savior of the Monarchy’s association, did nothing to improve or help some of her patronages. Sadly, a few have had to close.
In the meantime, over in sunny California, Meghan Markle, who has been battered and bruised in large part because she was perceived as threatening to Karen is soaking some sun, nurturing her young family and living her authentic life. She and her husband are building their philanthropic future. When her name comes up the world pays attention. That has got to be frustrating, not just exhausting. Karen should have just sat down and enjoyed her regal tea and crumpets.
To be clear, Karen can want what she wants and prioritize whatever she wants in her own life. As women, that is what we constantly fight for. The right and freedom to make choices for our own lives. Naturally, one’s choices may not be another’s cup of tea and vice versa. That is OK. Where we run into issues is when Karen decides that, in order for her choices to be more palatable, she must invalidate another’s. Or throw them under the proverbial bus. That will never fly.
It always backfires. Ask Amy Cooper, Alison Roman, or Emily Giffen. Like all of them, Kate Middleton has found out that, “Karen-ing” usually leaves you in worse shape than you had imagined. It emerged that Kensington Palace has denied that “Kate feels trapped” and that they had no prior knowledge of the profile that Tatler did of her. They however have not denied that “ Meghan made Kate cry”.
That left more questions than answers. Tatler has done previous features that include one about Kate & William having the highest social capital, and a hit piece on Meghan calling her Britain’s top social climber. By the way, how is a person a social climber when they have not engineered their life to be in a position to get the “prize”, not changed their way of speaking in order to sound ‘posh’, not cultivated a circle of aristocratic friends, BUT said, I’m out of here, when her humanity was devalued and the life sucked out of her? But I digress. That’s a different bag of beans.
Since the palace didn’t deny prior knowledge of those features, does that mean they were aware? Plus this is not the first time since Harry & Meghan’s decision to step back, that we have heard about ‘William & Kate having to pick up slack” and what not. Or are they just trying to save face now because, they went a little overboard with the CEO savior of the monarchy propaganda? Was the overly sweet sauce making people queasy?
Following Kensington Palace’s denial, Tatler’s editor-in-chief Richard Dennen, who is reported to be in Kate’s friend circle, issued a statement contradicting Kensington palace’s account. Meghanpedia has laid out the links between Kate and elements at Tatler in a previous article. Mr. Dennen says KP had prior knowledge of the Catherine the Great feature and were asked to work with them on it. The statement is below, see for yourself.
Whatever the case, enough is enough. What we are all entitled to, is the God-given free will to make of our lives what we will. Kate has made her life choices and so has Meghan. She does not get to use Meghan as her crutch any longer. She needs to learn to live her life and leave Meghan to live hers too. Kate the Great will have to “carry the monarchy” by herself, as we’ve been told to no end. We have been inundated with countless puff pieces of Kate “stepping up” or “moving the monarchy forward” yada, yada, yada. It’s time to put up or shut up. It’s time for the Princess to lay in her bed. I hope she finds the pea.