- Her Royal Highness Duchess of Sussex the former Meghan Markle also volunteered at a soup kitchen in Skid Row, Los Angeles from the age of 13-17. She continued to volunteer at the soup kitchen when she would return home to Los Angeles until the age of 22.
- Volunteered at a Canadian soup kitchen from 2011-2013.
- She also established the program at her place of work to ensure that leftover meals from the set were donated to local homeless shelters.
“Buying turkeys for homeless shelters at Thanksgiving, delivering meals to patients in hospice care, donating any spare change in their pocket to those asking for it, and performing quiet acts of grace—be it a hug, a smile, or a pat on the back to show ones in need that they would be alright.”Meghan Markle on The Tig
“This is what I grew up seeing, so that is what I grew up being,” a young adult with a social consciousness to do what I could, and to, at the very least, speak up when I knew something was wrong.”- Meghan Markle on The Tig