Debunking Media Stories | September 5, 2019 | by Meghanpedia Monetizing Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex Part 7 Duchess Meghan did not grow up with Samantha Grant or Thomas Markle, Jr. Samantha Grant knows nothing about Duchess Meghan. All she has are a handful of old baby photographs and a graduation picture.
Debunking Media Stories | September 5, 2019 | by Meghanpedia Monetizing Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex Part 6 Grant is not only an enabler and facilitator of the British tabloids, but she is also the darling of internet trolls and Megxiters who are engaged in a sustained, cynical and dark campaign of hate, humiliation and “othering” of Duchess Meghan.
Debunking Media Stories | September 5, 2019 | by Meghanpedia Monetizing Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex Part 5 And, even as he wallowed in self-pity in interview after interview, not once did Mr. Markle mention that his daughter had begged him to stop speaking to the media so that they could repair their relationship in private.
Debunking Media Stories | September 5, 2019 | by Meghanpedia Monetizing Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex Part 4 Thomas Markle, Sr. joined forces with his oldest daughter, Samantha Grant, against his youngest daughter, now a Duchess, in a cold, calculated, relentless and terrifying public campaign of emotional and psychological bullying.
Debunking Media Stories | September 5, 2019 | by Meghanpedia Monetizing Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex Part 3 The feeling of entitlement, of ownership of this woman of color by this white family expressed in this letter is quite terrifying. But, it receives not a single mention in the media. None.
Debunking Media Stories | September 5, 2019 | by Meghanpedia Monetizing Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex Part 2 Driven by jealousy and bitterness, which is partially racially-motivated, Samantha Grant lashed out at her half-sister in paid media appearances and on Twitter.
Debunking Media Stories | December 26, 2018 | by Alyson North Fake pictures collusion with photographer The Independent published an article dated May 15, 2018 entitled “Meghan Markle’s father reportedly staged paparazzi photos.” Thomas first lied Read more