The recent Trump-incited mob invasion on the U.S. Capitol Building should serve as a lesson for the British media’s relentless attack on Meghan and Harry. Why? Because the seed of that unrest is not about the election results. Trump’s loss and seditious acts were merely the triggers.
The seed was born from a dominant power class that embraces white supremacy trying to keep their boot on the neck of those whom they deem are not of them, not deemed worthy of equality or power.
That’s it. That’s the U.S.’s sin from birth.
And the side-effect of this landscape erupted for the umpteenth time just a few weeks ago. The trigger was fueled by Trump’s relentless racist, elitist BS, with the enabling social media platforms, the right-wing media empire, and the sycophants who serve as minions for the spreading of disinformation and defending the racist stance.
The warning to the Brits is that feeding and rearing this rabid beast of hate would have consequences. Here we are where the beast breaks loose and rampages to destroy and go on the hunt for those deemed disloyal and unworthy of their freedom and life. Already, two young men sit in jail for plotting the demise of Prince Harry for being “a race traitor”. Speak not, of the countless death threats/wishes that have been made openly on social media against Meghan.
Look at those elements and the similarities that exist within the British media’s cottage industry of hate toward Meghan and Harry.
The British media’s fanatical dedication to attacking Meghan and Harry is feeding its own beast with no regard for what they are inciting to come, sooner or later.
That sin that was the birth of the U.K. shares the same tenets of the U.S. with its intersection of classist, racist, elitist political/social structures that thrive on keeping segments of society at the top or excluding others from an equal footing.
The players of this cabal-of-hate for Meghan in the U.K. leads back to the head of the snake, the Queen. Because whether she’s tucked away in the dusty rooms of Windsor or Sandringham or front and center at Buckingham Palace, she is the keeper of the keys to the Firm. She is the face of this godawful institution and its band of royal racists and the conductor to the royal rota who are the guardians of her secrets and her legacy.
And that cottage industry of hate for Meghan serves to divert attention from the U.K.’s bad news, scandals, or fractures in the dwindling empire and its politics. This business of hate has both financial and labor resources dedicated to the sabotage and character assassination directed at Meghan and Harry. The wallets are deep for this endeavor with large corporations and billionaires funding this enterprise. As a result, the mission is long-term.
The consumer who may not have had any real feelings about Meghan, Meghan and Harry, Harry, or the entire family, are given this curated poison to infect their thoughts and to elicit a harsh judgment against this royal family.
When there is reader fatigue, the media amps up the content with even more divisive takes doctored with so-called royal experts and anonymous royal insiders -undisciplined adult gossips really- to ensure that the intensity of hate continues for Meghan, especially.
For what end? What do the royals, the Rota, and the sycophants want and expect from this campaign of character assassination?
Easy answer: That the hate thrives. That the hate WILL manifest into something worse in some people who only need a trigger to act out destructively.
This nefarious agenda is the reason that we speak out and fight against their tyranny. It’s a dangerous game that they play with the lives of Meghan, Harry, Archie, and Doria.
But the world is watching. All eyes are on the royal family and their media collaborators. This time, you are not going to bite and then blow. You will not incite hate, and God forbid tragedy, and then offer a performance.