Thomas Markle’s bold claims and contradictions


“I had a heart attack”

Thomas Markle faked a heart attack. Video footage by TMZ and Daily Mail showed Thomas Markle buying fast food and Frappuccino a week after claiming he had a heart attack.

Thomas Markle was seen having lunch at McDonald’s two Happy Meals and a chocolate milkshake covered with whipped cream and dinner at KFC grabbing himself a bucket of chicken for dinner.

Source-TMZ 05/21/2018 and Daily Mail 05/21//2018 published the footage. published on May 15, 2018 these pictures as well. See below

It WASN’T a Frappuccino! Meghan’s father disputes picture of him with famous Starbucks coffee and whipped cream after receiving heart surgery headline that ran on Daily Mail dated May 23, 2018.

“I paid for Meghan’s first wedding in 2011 by selling Facebook shares, via Sun interview”

Fact: The wedding was in 2011 and Facebook went public in 2012.

“I paid for her university studies”

In his smear campaign against Meghan Thomas repeatedly told newspapers and his family about how he financed Meghan’s university studies. The Duchess in a speech in Fiji highlighted how she had self-financed her studies through scholarships and work study program. Thomas provided receipts for his hospital stay but could not provide a single shred of evidence that he financed Meghan’s university education because he did not.

Contradicting Statements about the Phone Numbers

He told the Mail on Sunday July 2018:

“I’m really hurt that she’s cut me off completely. I used to have a phone number and text number for her personal aides at the Palace, but after I said a few critical words about the Royal Family changing Meghan, they cut me off.”

“Those numbers were disconnected, they no longer work. I have no way of contacting my daughter.”

Contradicting what he had said earlier Thomas Markle then told GMB in December, 2018

Thomas said he texts Meghan “every day”.

Question: Why would he send texts to a phone that was disconnected?

“I value my daughter’s privacy”

I value my daughter’s privacy, yet he repeatedly reveals intimate phone conversations.

Thomas Markle in his own words stated

“Harry told me that I should never go to the press,” Thomas said. “That it would end in tears. He said, ‘They will eat you alive.’ He was right.”

Thomas admittd to lying to Prince Harry

Mr Markle received payment to publicly bash his daughter on British breakfast TV show revealing intimate private conversations with Prince Harry and his daughter and selling her letters to the press.

Source – Marie Claire 08/12/2018

They have not talked to me since The Wedding

The Daily Beast reported on August 2, 2018

Meghan and Harry did call him after their wedding, did forgive him for the paparazzi setup, did send an aide to Mexico to collect him and did have shoes and suits made specially for him for the wedding. Yet just six weeks after the nuptials, he betrayed her by giving a paid interview to British TV.

“I don’t Know Why She Ghosted Me”

Thomas Markle admitted:

Harry told me that I should never go to the press,” Thomas said. “That it would end in tears. He said, ‘They will eat you alive.’ He was right.

It is not clear why Thomas Markle chooses to ignore instructions not to speak to press and insult his daughter. He continues to break protocol by speaking to the press and disclose personal private conversations.

Thomas admitted to lying to Prince Harry:
Thomas says he lied to Harry and said he was being “measured for a hoodie”, source: Marie Claire 08/12/2018

Endless insults against Meghan and the Royal family yet he wonders why there is a wall of silence

Thomas Markle insulted the Royals in a Sun interview on August 18, 2018

They are either like Scientologists or the Stepford family.

If they hear anybody say anything they just lock the doors. They need to speak up!

They are cult-like — like Scientology — because they are secretive.

They close the door, pull the shades down and put their fingers in their ears so they don’t have to hear.

I don’t care if Harry never speaks to me again, I’ll survive. Thomas Markle in interview

She can speak to Donald Trump if that’s what she’d rather do, though Lord knows why she agreed to meet with that man.

Who cares these days about a dusty old crown?

Who cares these days about a dusty old crown?

Okay, maybe it’s been polished, but it’s an ancient institution, stuck in its ways.

She’s always been a controlling person” referring to Meghan. December 18,2018

Mr. Markle received payment to publicly bash his daughter on British breakfast TV show revealing intimate private conversations with Prince Harry and his daughter while selling her letters to the Daily Mail and Good Morning Britain on December 18, 2018.


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2 comments on “Thomas Markle’s bold claims and contradictions

  1. Dr. Brenda Gabriel

    Thomas Markle’s hospital bill ( real or manufactured) states some possible reasons for his “ discomfort”. Discomfort is only a self- reported term. There are no procedures that are typical for a heart attack, such as a stent and no normal medical language describing a cardiac incident ( which is
    measurable and quantifiable) . So, none of this makes
    any sense at all.
    Any documentary with Thomas Markle should be fact- checking or challenging him. It is hard to imagine a more hateful and
    jealous chorus than Markle, his son and his daughter.

  2. Kelley Small

    This is only a small sample of the many, many lies he has told and the times he’s contradicted himself. He even said she cried when he called her to say he wasn’t coming to the wedding. He didn’t call her; she found that out through TMZ. Nasty, lying beast. The “proof” he provided of his alleged heart attack was as phony as a $3.00 bill. As far as paying for Northwestern, Meghan wouldn’t have even qualified for the work study program had her fees been paid privately. Such careless lies that can be fact-checked inside of minutes.

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