Global Impact | June 14, 2020 | by Mich Monk Empowered and Fired Up: A Salute To The SussexSquad Wherever we have started, we’re here, forging a remarkable bond of unity and community building around the Sussexes and their charitable endeavors. The Squad pulses with an energy that attracts others to link up and be part of a community like no other.
Global Impact | May 23, 2020 | by Mich Monk Replying to Recent WTFery Online Comments Regarding Meghan Sussex Squad supports Meghan for a variety of reasons because the squad is made up of a variety of people with wide ranging circumstances and life experiences.
Global Impact | December 23, 2019 | by Rachel Daniels A Call To Positive Action From Sussex Squad Part of this article is to alert the Sussex Squad that whilst I applaud our defence of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, come 2020 we really need to strategise.
Global Impact | November 24, 2019 | by Rachel Daniels #SussexGreatForest: People Power, Sussex Influence This community of amazing men and women continues to grow from strength to strength and the latest initiative, #SussexGreatForest, proof of the power of grassroots organizing, has been conceived by 12 brilliant women within the Sussex squad.
Global Impact | October 11, 2019 | by Regina Hartley Trouble Is We Are Not Going Anywhere The self-absorbed British press can’t get pass itself to realize that Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan are indeed loved and there is nothing they can do about it.
Global Impact | October 10, 2019 | by Lillian Our message to The Duke and Duchess of Sussex: Never surrender! Rewriting Duchess Meghan’s history in a negative light is virtually impossible since her pre-royal life is well documented; which makes the attempts to assassinate her character laughable.