Flower, is the nickname that your loving mother, Ms. Doria Ragland gave you. Could it be because she had insight into your future and how it will unfold as you go through life? I don’t know what made her pick that nickname, but I do know that she definitely captured your essence in that nickname. They say mom knows best.
Flowers are a thing of beauty and just pleasant to enjoy. They bloom in different shapes, sizes and colours. Even in the same colour, there are different hues, spanning the spectrum of saturation. There are different textures and give of different and distinct fragrances. Being that they each have symbolic meanings, we give or gift them as a way of conveying a message or sentiment. No matter the occasion, there is a flower that speaks to it.
Like a flower, your outer beauty is stunning. Elegance comes naturally to you. You have mastered the ability to show up in the most subtle way; simple but nonetheless outstanding, and when the occasion calls for it, girl do you pack a punch! Not only does a flower capture your outer beauty, it represents your inner beauty as well. At once soft, kind, compassionate, strong and fierce. Far from simplistic, a kind of beauty that is unique, textured and rich.

Credit The Tig/Meghan Markle
As flowers exist and speak for each occasion, so do you possess the power of communication. No matter the occasion or the platform, you’re never without an apt message. It is in the warm smile that says I’m happy to meet you or the handshake or embrace that says I see you. In your adornment, you speak volumes. When the moments call, big and small, you have a message that meets it squarely. Through your nature and powerful inspirational messages, you have encouraged many to embrace their self-worth, to believe in their innate capacity, and most certainly spur them into action.
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Flowers are not just beautiful to look at, or a great gift that uplifts the dullest mood. They can be nutritional and medicinal, have natural air refreshing and pest repellent properties. So, Meghan, are you multifaceted; An intelligent woman, who not only can play on the world stage, but can let her hair down, get on the ground and tag elephants with the men. A nurturing mother who is a champion for many, a devoted wife and advocate against injustice. Not only a fine actor, but an impressive cook. Writing? Yes she can do that too- conceptually and in refinement of script. It is no wonder that some are utterly overwhelmed by you. You’re not just a pretty face.
One of the multi-dimensional qualities of flowers is in their biological function to effect reproduction. Through reproduction, we get growth and yield fruit. Again, Meghan possesses the ability to be the change agent, the facilitator for growth, in whatever environment she inhabits. Whether as an eleven year old or a thirty-something year adult. We’ve seen it in a community kitchen, at SmartWorks, in an innovative children’s exhibition to support clean water, on a production set and so much more. Her work has a positive multiplier effect on those who are open and receptive. There is always a yield to quantify.

Meghan and Doria Ragland/Credit The Tig
Meghan, the attributes that make you so effective and proficient at what you do, have at times ruffled more than a few feathers. You really are a flower aren’t you? Similarly, pollen is essential to a flower’s reproductive role but, pollen is not well tolerated by all. There’s a spectrum of allergic reactions to pollen, ranging from annoying and uncomfortable sniffles, full blown hives to outright life and death crisis. That has never stopped flowers from blooming and producing pollen for the purpose reproducing and yielding fruit. The allergy is the subject’s to manage. Flower has work to do. There are bees to collaborate with, to create a win-win situation: fruit and honey.
So, Meghan, Doria’s flower, keep blooming and yielding fruit. That is how God created you. That is the purpose he designed for you. For that He not only placed a bedrock of support in the form of a mother, He has placed in your life, a man who appreciates your complex and rich beauty and essence, and is devoted to nurturing and protecting you, and allowing you to flourish, as you in turn enrich his life. If this does not spell BLESSINGS, then I don’t know what does.