On September 25th, 2018 HRH Meghan, Duchess of Sussex attended her first solo event at the Royal Academy. The Royal Academy is celebrating its 250th anniversary by showcasing the Oceania exhibition. Coincidentally, 2018 is also the 250th anniversary of Captain Cook’s first voyage to the Pacific. The Oceania exhibition displays around 200 pieces that span 500 years of Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia art, culture and living treasures.
The Duchess of Sussex not only looked breathtakingly stunning, she showed professionalism at its finest. The Duchess viewed art from New Zealand, Fiji, the Kingdom of Tonga and Australia; these are the countries she will visit with her husband HRH, The Duke of Sussex in October.
Via Kensington Palace
The exhibits covered works from around 200 Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia Oceania. The Duchess of Sussex not only looked breathtakingly stunning she showed professionalism at its finest. The Duchess viewed art from New Zealand, Fiji, the Kingdom of Tonga and Australia; these are the countries she will visit with her husband HRH The Duke of Sussex in October.