Debunking Media Stories | October 6, 2019 | by Jacqueline Matthews Are Prince William And His Wife Behind The Relentless And Coordinated Media Attacks Against Prince Harry And Duchess Meghan? This opinion piece makes the case for why its author is making a considered opinion that the media have likely been handed their orders by the Cambridge court, to hurt the image of House Sussex.
Debunking Media Stories | September 19, 2019 | by Rachel Daniels Give The Duchess of Sussex Credit and Acknowledgement for HER hard work The Duchess we saw last Thursday did not appear to be someone who is worried about the continuous bullying and harassment by the media.
Public Appearances | July 14, 2019 | by Roxanne Mullins Duchess Meghan at Wimbledon Finals Meghan arrived in a sleek look, and in jovial spirit. She was seen waving and being friendly with people taking her picture, as always.Which debunks any claim she refuses pictures.