On May 28, 2020, I celebrated a year of sobriety. I don’t think I could have made it without being part of a women’s 12-step recovery group. The first meeting I attended was eye opening. Admitting you have been living a life of secret shame is the first step in making progress. Many people, recovering from various destructive lifestyles usually feel all alone. I thought I was the only one who hid bottles all over the house, only throwing them away a few at a time, because of fear and shame, that the garbage man would hear all the glass bottles jangling in the bin. It was so freeing to hear other people talk about the same things I had gone through.
Some of the women were fighting for their sobriety on several different fronts. Some had already lost their children. One young woman gave birth to a baby, while handcuffed to a cot in a jail cell. However, we were getting better because we admitted we had a problem and we shared our failures and triumphs together.
This is what is so disturbing about the way many British Royal watchers and reporters, and some Americans, try to silence the voice of Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex by throwing his past mistakes in his face. (I’m looking at you Megyn Kelly!) Megyn Kelly by the way was fired from NBC for defense of people wearing black face.
The straw that broke the camel’s back for me and sent me to AA, was finding out my children in sheer desperation had filmed my overweight drunk behind, struggling to get myself off the floor. I didn’t think I was drunk at the time. A night or so after that happened, and I had forgotten about it, I was at the grocery store with my 23 year-old son. As usual I made a beeline for the refrigerated wine section, my mouth watering for my favorite Chardonnay. My son said, “Mom are you sure you need that?” I looked at him like he was an idiot, grabbed two huge bottles and put it in the basket. I asked him, “Why are you questioning me?” That’s when he told me, my oldest son had footage of me scrambling to get up, from the floor, while drunk in our den. My oldest had given the phone to his younger brother while he helped me up. So, they have this embarrassing footage somewhere, saved on a smart phone.
I play the piano for a church every other Sunday, I pray for my children regularly and my life is one thousand times better than it was. How hateful and sad it would be if every time I played the piano, one of my sons blasted that footage on a church screen, with the word HYPOCRITE blazoned for all to see. I find it sad and twisted that something Harry did years ago, is being used as a cudgel to shame him and try to make others mock him. The thing is they are mad because Harry is showing them that racism and bias is not a mindset that is written in stone. People can and do change. When they do, they are generally the best at addressing the things they got wrong and therefore, perfect for opening the eyes of others.
Harry has shown just by his actions in the last few years that he is not that young man anymore. He has proven by his behaviors that he has changed completely. He did this in 2005, 15 years ago and he apologized then. He has not shown any indication, in his speech, actions or behavior since then, that he subscribes to any bigoted or white supremacist ideology. It was a ONE TIME thing, that really can be relegated to childish nonsense and the craziness of a young man growing up. On the other hand, Megyn Kelly’s insistence that black face was okay, was only 2 years ago in 2018 and her suggestion that Santa Claus and Jesus Christ we white was in 2013. There is a pattern here with Megyn Kelly, who was already an adult when she made these declarations. There is no such pattern with Harry, just the one mistake.
What has become abundantly clear is that, this refusal to see growth in Harry is a deliberate one. All those casting stones know of someone similar to me, have themselves been in my shoes or even in a worse position than I was. This purposeful ritual of picking the scab, serves two purposes: It allows their own bigoted, prejudiced and racist behavior to escape scrutiny and it serves as a colossal distraction from painful and uncomfortable truths they will rather not confront. It is astonishing that this photo of Ghislaine Maxwell and Kevin Spacey (two notorious sex offenders), perched on the Queen’s majestic thrones in Buckingham Palace, has been largely ignored by a nation, because they are more consumed with jealous hatred, and a seeming determination, to live and act in cruel, racist, ignorance.
Forget sex offenders, the way these royalist Brits worship their queen, it should be sacrilegious for anyone to sit on their majesty’s throne, a symbol of her authority. What is more debasing than the seat of the crown being treated as some hop and stop tourist attraction? Unless they actually do not have respect for the queen they profess to love and admire. But hey…Prince Harry chose a biracial woman to be his wife and as far as they are concerned, that takes precedence over the cheapening of the crown. Good to know the crown is not as big a deal as they make it out to be.

Credit: The Telegraph
I am not a royalist by the way. I am a Sussex Supporter – an early recruit in the Sussex Squad. I cannot believe how when this photo was published in the Telegraph, all the conversation on television and print media, from most UK outlets was outrage that Meghan said she was unsupported by the royal institution.
One crusty, dusty, royal mouthpiece who will not be named, but whose self-important person, flaky bald head and garish neon ties are found in excess supply on talk shows, barking like a trained seal with all kinds of attacks on Meghan. This week, he out did himself in stupidity by admitting Diana, Fergie and now Meghan all claimed to be unsupported by the monarchy, and calling their claims “RUBBISH”. Not realizing how in saying that, he actually validated them.
Australian television usually has these numbskulls on as well, barking the party line but this week there was a bit of a change.
@theprojecttv reported, on the somewhat strange phenomenon of Ghislaine Maxwell being arrested, yet all the breaking headlines in print and on air mediums in the UK where screaming out about Meghan!(sigh) Not Andrew who is evading the law with the support of his mother the queen, not Ghislaine and Kevin frolicking in the throne room and acquainting their backsides with Elizabeth, R’s throne, but (double sigh) Meghan’s legal filings stating she felt unprotected by the institution of the monarchy. It is really a sight to behold.
Before I wind this article up, let me address the other issue that the UK media and the royal family seem to keep trying to convince the world of – Meghan’s abuse has NOTHING to do with her race. Oh really? I give you a random tweet that begs to differ.

This guy has a litany of complaints about Harry & his wife.
He “dresses up like a Nazi” I mean one time… (scratching my head in confusion).
He has naked parties in Vegas with strippers (again scratching my head) like this was decades ago and this schmuck is vomiting out this foolishness like it is a regular thing in 2020.
Harry’s wife is:
A feminist.
Wasn’t Harry being pilloried by these same Brits because he didn’t participate in their family’s Christmas hunt? And that he was soft because he’d given up hunting for his wife? Do they want him to hunt or not? Hunting is bad, but if you stop hunting, goodness gracious! That’s even worse. That in a nutshell sums up the mentality of this irrational faction that is determined to find fault. Any suggestion that all this abuse is racially motivated is met with vehement denial. Uh huh it’s not about her race huh? She overlooks “his behavior” because it gets her more attention. You know, there is somebody overlooking some regular immoral behavior in the royal family( and has been for a while), and the whole system wants us to be mad at Harry instead.
It doesn’t matter how much sand they kick up, THE ISSUES REMAIN. They can run but they can’t hide. They can hide their “bottles” behind all kinds of straw men BUT, EVENTUALLY THERE WILL BE A RECKONING.
Harry, you keep talking! Keep standing up for what you believe in. Keep protecting your wife and child, as honorably as you have. Hold on to your convictions and stand for virtue. Only you and God know the road you have traveled, and his opinion of you, is the only one that counts. Though your load now may be heavy, do not tarry. There is a pay day some day, and you are on the right side of history.